66 Troop Royal Marines.

Created by Tony 3 years ago

It is with massive sadness that i found out about Pauls passing today. I remember well the day we joined the Royal Marines together in September 1971 with 66 junior troop age 16.

Paul was a quiet chap who just got on with the training in hand without moaning and believe me we had plentyof reason to moan.

During a period of particular discomfort in an Ullapool Nissan hut in Scotland I fell foul of one of the tougher boys in the troop. For reasons I shan't go in to i had taken a couple of punches and was surley about to take a third. Out of nowhere the "quiet"! lad Paul steamed in and took care of my advisory. I hadn't called for any help from anyone but Paul had seen an injustice and dealt with it. 

By the time we finished our training and recieved our green berets at Lympstone the three of us were firm friends. Over the years my contact with Paul was lost but I will never forget that incident during mid winter in Scotland.

God bless you Carpy.

Tony Quin.